One of our outings on this brief trip was to the newly updated Bean Museum on BYU campus.
In the past it had primarily been filled with many many display taxidermied exotic animals..
There were still a few of them around...
But many were more 'animated' than previously...
In fact, I noticed that a number of them seemed anxious about something....
...if not downright frightened...
The reason began to become clearer...
...and clearer.....
Remember that movie "Night at the Museum"?
This was like a nightmare version of that.
I certainly wouldn't want to be here after dark!
Much of this was on the 'Apex Predator" floor -
(I kept expecting to see a stuffed exhibit of human hunters. That would have been apropos...)
It was fairly disconcerting.
I don't think I'm the only one it might give nightmares to!